
Kapil Khursade

Full Stack Web Developer

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About Me

Hi wave I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer with the touch of creativity and passion for developing interactive websites. I love order and commited to quality, exprimenting and experinencing in what I beilve firmly.
My Tech And Tools
java MySQL springboot spring maven hibernate intlji postman js html css vs
My Skills

Front End Development

Can create single page interactive web pages with the help of Javascript-Html-Css.

Back End Development

Can write efficient and effective Java code to handel database and perform CRUD operation on it.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Can solve the real life problem using the concepts such as Stack, Queue, Recursion and etc.

Communication Skills

Can hear others and express my ideas in a consize manner.

1000+ Hours of Coding
More than 500 Hours Of DSA
100+ Hours of Soft Skill training at Masai
100+ meaningfull Git Commits
3+ Collaborative Project
5+ individual minor projects
My Git Contribution
Loading stuff Loading the data just for you.
kapil-khursade kapil-khursade

One Stop Solutions

One-Stop Solutions is a Java-based application designed to streamline customer service for electronic issues. A week Long Collaborative project.
Lead collaborative week long group project.

JAVA | Spring Boot | Html-Css-Javascript


MNREGA - Database Managemet System

A console based Database Management project, managing the database for the MNREGA scheme using JAVA and MYSQL. BDO and Gram Pancyant Memeber can manage the data.
Individaul Project build in 5 days at Masai in Unit 5

JAVA | Maven | Hibernate | JDBC | MySQL



A Clone of MyGlamm, an Indian e-commerce company that sells cosmetics and personal care products. Worked in group of 5 as Team Lead
Gained valuable experince of planning, organising and leadership

Javascript | HTML | CSS | Fetch API | DOM



Cloned the e-commerced website in 5 days indiviual construct Week Project at Masai in unit 2. Applied the basic conepts of Javascript, HTML and CSS.
Applied concepts of Local Storage, DOM and Event Listener etc

Javascript | CSS | HTML

Contact Me

